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Data providers

The objects and contents that you can find here are widely diverse in formats as well as in themes. They are made up of collections previously selected by the institutions that safeguard them, providing the necessary information for each of them. Here are the data providing institutions that you can currently consult in Memoria Digital Mexicana:

Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia investigates, preserves and disseminates the archaeological, anthropological, historical and paleontological heritage of Mexico. In this repository you can consult the collections from the National Library of Anthropology and History, their Media Library and three of its museums: Museo Nacional de Antropología, Museo Nacional de Historia y Museo Nacional del Virreinato.

Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes preserves and disseminates the national artistic heritage, promotes the creation of the arts and promotes artistic education and research. Currently you can find several of the collections of their digital repository and four of its museums: Museo de Arte Moderno, Museo Nacional de la Estampa, Museo Nacional de San Carlos y Museo Nacional de Arte.

Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas promotes the strengthening, preservation and development of the indigenous languages spoken in the national territory. In this site you can consult their National Indigenous Languages Archives.

Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de las Revoluciones de México investigates, preserves and disseminates testimonies, historical documents, graphic, audiovisual and sound material about the Mexican Revolution. Through this site you will find all the collections from their digital photo library, as well as radio programs, books, courses, conferences, colloquiums, exhibitions and workshops.

Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía promotes the development of the national cinematographic activity. Here you can consult mainly national short films, as well as images referring to cinematographic posters..

Radio Educación is a public service broadcaster, with a cultural and educational focus that produces, transmits and promotes radio contents. You can find all their programs in this platform.

Centro Nacional de las Artes is an institution dedicated to the dissemination, research, training, promotion, debate and teaching of art, culture and interdisciplinarity. Through the repository you will be able to consult contents from its Library of the Arts, Channel 23 and its platform called Interfaz.

Centro de la Imagen disseminates, preserves and reflects on photography through exhibitions, educational programs, publications and the creation of an archive. Through the repository, you can consult their archive as well as the Fund of the Mexican Council of Photography, one of the most important collections safeguarded by Center of the Image. It is composed of images of photojournalism, author photographs, experimentations, collages and interventions that were created between 1940 and 1997.

A través del repositorio, podrás consultar el Fondo del Consejo Mexicano de Fotografía, una de las colecciones más importantes que resguarda el Centro de la Imagen de la Secretaría de Cultura. Está integrado por imágenes de fotoperiodismo, fotografías de autor, experimentaciones, collages e intervenciones que fueron creadas entre 1940 y 1997.

Canal 22 is focused on spreading the richness of Mexican cultural expressions, as well as the art and culture of the world. Through this repository you will be able to consult contents produced by the channel, mainly the programs "La Dichosa Palabra", "Tratos y Retratos" and "La Oveja Eléctrica".

Dirección General de Bibliotecas generates policies and establishes procedures to facilitate free access for Mexicans to reading and books. Through this repository you can access various of their digital publications in .pdf format.

Fonoteca Nacional preserves the sound heritage of the country and promotes the culture of listening and sound. In this repository you can access various sound recordings of their archives.

Supports and promotes the Mexican publishing industry, encourages literary creation throughout the country and promotes public policies around the book and the promotion of reading. Here you can consult several issues of the magazine "Tierra Adentro", as well as digital books in .epub and .pdf format.

Created for the promotion, study, conservation, and development of the popular cultures of Mexico. In this repository you can consult the archives of its Information and Documentation Center and also the digital objects of the National Museum of Popular Cultures.

This museum rescues, preserves, studies and disseminates the railroad legacy. Here you can consult the archives of its Railway Documentation and Research Center which contains various photographs, documents, maps and railway routes.

The Vasconcelos Library is a public space where educational, cultural, and recreational librarian services are provided. Here you will be able to consult its audiovisual collection integrated by videos of the activities that take place there: conferences, recitals, concerts, conversations, etc.

Alas y Raíces is a program for girls and boys that presents artistic shows and workshops of visual arts, theater, comics, sound experimentation and multimedia. Through Mexicana you can consult several of its interactive games, videos, applications, and digital books in .epub and pdf format.

The CCC was founded in 1975 with the aim of training filmmakers in the technical and artistic areas of cinematography.  In Mexicana you will find several short films done by the CCC students..

Secretaría de Cultura, 2017. All rights reserved.