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Data model

The Mexico Data Model  arose as an initiative by the Ministry of Culture to create an open repository of the Mexican Cultural Heritage.


Built and based on international standards, this data model offers for the first time in the Mexican cultural sector an integrated framework where professionals involved can get the necessary tools to provide objects with a complete and high-quality description.


The underlying philosophy of the model relates to the foundations on which the semantic Web and linked open data are based: interoperability of information and its reuse in different platforms and applications. This guarantees the development of enriched services not only outside the institutions that generate the information, but also inside them.


The model works through a domain ontology, a tool that allows to represent concepts, properties and relationships.  The ontology allows to define the context of application of these concepts to minimize the problems of semantic ambiguity.


The model is also enriched with a series of controlled vocabularies built by museographers and researchers in the cultural field of Mexico, providing to the international community a valuable resource to help them see how Mexico understands and describes its own heritage.


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Secretaría de Cultura, 2017. All rights reserved.